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Profitable Emails

Tap into the highest ROI available in marketing.

STOP the list bleed

Enrol more clients faster

What's included?

  • In depth breakdown of the WELCOME ADVANTAGE 10 email welcome sequence that gets you sales fast

  • The structure every email must have to convert, and most miss

  • The three critical email sequences every business must have for sustainable profit

  • How to write emails readers look forward to

  • What to do to get readers into action, eager to buy your programs and service.

"Carrie brings light to the darkness. Clarity to my confusion. Working with Carrie has enabled me to progress faster that I ever thought possible."

Pam R ~ Alchemist Coach

"My Marketing strategy has detail that I never would have imagined and the focus and results have been amazing."

Emma C ~ Life Coach

"I have now doubled my earnings and have clients lined up, it is an amazing feeling.”

Dawn M ~ Coach Tutor

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Get in Profitable Emails?

You get:

  • A detailed, step-by-step breakdown of the Welcome Advantage 10-email welcome sequence explaining the psychology behind the framework

  • The Ignite Momentum Formula broken down into easy to implement steps so you can identify your hot prospects.

  • A detailed breakdown of the Zoom to Success promotional 9 email sequence you can use to make sales directly from your emails

  • Plug and play fill-in-the-blanks email copy you can model for your business, immediately

  • The core components every email must have to convert, and most miss

and lots more...

Including a BONUS accelerator call with Carrie to ensure you get the most from this program and can implement immediately.

How Does it Work?

Through a series of bite-size videos you walk through every step for creating your profitable email sequences.

Implement as you go, so by the end of the program, your email sequences will be done!

Plus, each week for the first three weeks of the month you get access to expert LIVE feedback on your emails through the Marketing Labs Coaching calls

Plus, get support to implement your emails, getting everything set up in your email service provider through the weekly Tech Tuesday LIVE support calls.

What If I Don't Have Time To Write My Emails?

We've got you covered.

Carrie has done-for-you options where she will write your email sequences for you, from your welcome sequence to a whole year of emails.

Ask for details

Hi I’m Carrie,

your Confident Prosperity Mentor

I’ve been in the industry long enough to know that one of the core pieces that is vital to the success of any business is email.

No matter the marketing strategy you use to generate leads, you want to be sending emails to deepen relationship, build connection and ultimately make the sale.

Many struggle knowing what to write, how to structure an email and how to ask for the sale without feeling 'sleazy'.

And in today's world of AI many think asking ChatGPT to write an email counts as their email marketing strategy. They couldn't be more wrong.

Sending generic AI generated emails is a huge mistake which kills email list engagement and has people unsubscribing faster than you can say fake email.

That's why I created "Profitable Emails" to show you that once you know the framework to apply, writing can be fun and doesn't have to take that much time. I love sharing how you can make sales with 'soft calls to action' that are 10x more effective than the pushy sleazy tactics of the old "Buy from me" promotions.

With over 20 years experience of running a business online and supporting thousands of professionals to profit, I know what it takes to attract clients consistently, and I can help you do the same.

@right_year | Confident Prosperity with enlighten u solutions | all rights reserved

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