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~ Registered clinical supervisor with the A.C.A (Australian Counselling Association)
It has been my privilege to work with hundreds of individuals on their own personal journeys to become helping professionals - Counsellors, Coaches, and others.
And a personal journey is exactly what it is. Being a helping professional is so much more than a job or something you do.
It is who you are at your core.
You've likely experienced traumas and stresses of your own making you a good fit to support others who are struggling.
We're all human, and there's no cruise control for our minds. Sometimes circumstances, situations beyond our control, and sometimes even ourselves can cause us to veer off-track. That's why we become helping professionals - to support those suffering and experiencing challenges in their life; facilitating growth and change.
But as professionals, we don't have all the answers and we need to support ourselves to prevent ourselves from experiencing vicarious traumatisation or burnout and that's where Supervision comes in.
Supervision is our sounding board, a safe place to explore theoretical concepts, client experiences, and our emotional reactions to the support we provide.
The relationship is at the core of good supervision.
We see supervision as a collaborative process between the supervisor and the supervisee.
The purpose of supervision:
To enable the supervisee to remain in good mental and emotional health.
To offer education/guidance for issues in the supervisee’s professional practice context (e.g. ethical and client issues).
To assist the supervisee in further development as a professional within their field and offer ongoing support e.g. business-building skills, and career development.
At Enlighten U Solutions we are pleased to be able to offer specialist clinical supervision to counsellors and other professionals, using the RISE UP model.
Come as you are, leave more able.
For Counsellors:
Professional supervision is a mandatory component of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) registration for counsellors. Individual and group supervision is available.
For Other Professionals, for example Life Coaches:
We believe Supervision to be an essential part of good practice for anyone in the helping professions.
"I was in a bit of a mess with my business until I started working with Carrie. She quickly helped me understand where my ruts were, how I got in them, and how to get out and stay out of them."
Tanya - Relationship Counsellor
The review looks at what we've discussed in the past and needs following up. For example:
points from the last session
supervisee's personal counselling
self-review process
quality assurance
best practice
outcomes of service delivery
identification of risk for the supervisee and/or clients
client progress
strengths assessment and identification of areas for development
This is the administrative component of supervision and ensures supervisees are on top of all administrative practices such as: policies & procedures; accounting; case planning; record keeping; insurance.
Exploration of how the supervisee is supporting their clients through the counselling process - through use of skills such as confronting; empowering; affirming; use of self; reframing.
Confirming the supervisee is both educating the client to understand the process of therapy as well as educating themselves to ensure proper use of clinical skills.
To be effective in therapy and provide the best possible service to your clients, it is imperative that you are mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Together, we look at sleep, nutrition, exercise, relaxation, family time, social activities, and work load.
Regardless of how skilled as a practitioner you are, if you do not develop your private practice using a business model you are unlikely to reach your full potential as a business. Together we look at how you are marketing your services; the web presence you have created; advertising; premise management; budgeting, and market research.
As with therapy, so in Supervision, the relationship forms the core of the process. To see if we are a fit, schedule a chat with me by clicking the button below and selecting a time that best suits you.
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