Shine With Confidence ~ Attract Excited Clients

so why should you trust Carrie Wallis

to help with your marketing?

I know what failure feels like

I had a high-paying corporate job as a Head of I.T. but was sick of hitting my head on the glass ceiling and the long hours required, so that when we started our family in the late 1990's I decided to start my own business.

I love being a mum, but I needed more than watching 'Teletubbies' or Thomas The Tank Engine on TV or the endless round of baby chatter from the various clubs and groups I joined!

My first business was in network marketing... I thought it would easy to tap into another's system, but oh boy was I wrong! I learned so much about how not to market a service, what pushy sales tactics looked like and had a stomach full of the "ra ra" let's all be positive despite loosing money racket that world became.

I felt a complete failure, I couldn't even make consistent money piggy backing on a "proven system"!

After 'going back to school' and graduating with my Diploma of Life Coaching I combined what I'd learned about sales from that program with what I knew not to do from network marketing and was able to attract some clients.


Income was not consistent. A good month was when I earned close to 2,000GBP, but mostly it was closer to '00s not '000s!

I decided I needed to learn how to sell.

You see, I hated the idea of asking people to work with me, did not believe I was good enough.

I compared myself to other coaches around at the time, and felt I fell way short of what a good coach would be.

My confidence was at an all time low.

So back to school I went.

I studied sales, marketing, business as well as how to communicate more effectively.

Results started to improve, but it was still intermittent.

It was fortuitous that I had put this work in, because in 2008 when my world came crashing down - My husband died of cancer and I was left with no inheritance and two still young children to raise.

I had to turn things around and quickly or we'd loose our home.

That's when I took a step back, took a close look at what had worked, threw out what had not and gave myself a strong talking to.

I had to get over my fears and insecurities or I'd end up causing my children even more trauma than they'd already experienced loosing their father.

This is when I developed my 'From Strangers to Clients' system focusing on what I loved to do and that was build relationships.

I was able to go from earning little over $2,000 every few months to making $8,000 a day.


So why am I sharing this with you?

I believe true prosperity comes when you are confident in your abilities, feel in control, able to achieve the success you desire,

knowing exactly what you need to do.

Without spending every waking hour working or your last dollar in marketing.

This is what I want for you.

I want you to enjoy Confident Prosperity.

This is why I created my signature system: From Strangers to Clients.

This is a flexible system that you tailor to suit your personality, budget, and unique client needs.

It shows how you can go from no following to paying clients in a simple 1,2,3 process:

  • Build Credibility and Presence:

    You'll discover how to position yourself as a credible authority in your field to have people actively seek you out.

  • Connect With Strangers and Attract Them to Your World

    How to instantly connect with your audience, in a way that is fun for you, and valuable for them so they clamour to work with you

  • Enrol into Your Services and Programs

    What to do to increase trust in you and your services so that when you hold enrolment conversations your clients ask you if they can sign up.

But, knowing this simple process Alone is not enough...

I quickly discovered, that despite the success that helped me secure our family home, I found myself working incredibly long hours.

Not ideal when you're a single mum!

Something was missing, I needed to scale so I could retain income without the overwhelm and fatigue that were knocking at my door.

This is when the second big change happened and I realised what was missing...

…I was holding back.

You see, I hate talking about myself and sharing painful experiences, so I didn't.

The connection that was formed with my audience was incomplete.

Because I was holding back, my audience was too.

Are you blocking your success by holding back too?

It was this realisation that lead to the creation of my B.E.A.M Process.

To be able to grow and scale your business you need these four ingredients in equal measure:

B - a strong inner belief that you can succeed, a never-give-up attitude

E - a means to create a strong emotional connection with your audience

A - a proven, easy-to-replicate attraction system that walks your audience from stranger to client

M - a consistent, easily understood message that communicates the value you bring

Having silenced my own inner demons, I can help you stop the negative self-talk.

If you lack confidence or self-belief my "Shine From Within" empowered confidence system is for you.

If you want to grow and scale your business

I show you how to build trusting relationships with your prospects that lead to a natural and effortless sign-up process.

With me, you will be able to BEAM your message to the world with the confidence you need to draw people to you.

Literally turning strangers into clients.

My sole goal is your success. I support you to grow your business and live the life you desire with time for family, friends, and hobbies.

Having found a way to consistently attract the exact people to love working with, I can show you how to do the same.

I show you the exact steps to take so you can draw a regular stream of clients to your business
without getting into overwhelm.

I show how you can use the abilities you already have to find and connect with clients in a way that is genuine, more authentic and feels natural and right.

Here's My Why...

Because I spent 10 years in the I.T industry, initially as a computer programmer, business analyst, moving to project manager, and ultimately becoming Head of Dept. I'm very comfortable with technology.

I'm told I have a way of explaining complex material, especially software and technology, in a way that is easy to understand and act on.

I believe technology is there to make your life easier, NOT drain your energy or resources.

My journey has not been a smooth one, experiencing great loss, frustration, and near bankruptcy.

I know what it is like to fear you can't succeed, but keep going until you triumph.

Working with me you can use what I've learned to shortcut your path to the business and lifestyle you deserve.

My Services are most effective for:

  • Solo business-owners struggling to market their services, overwhelmed, frustrated, time-poor and with a tendency to self-sabotage.

  • Coaches, therapists, consultants working by themselves in private practice, or wanting to get established.

  • Course creators or authors who are established, but stuck with inconsistent income. Or those unsure of the first step to take.

  • Those who want the freedom of running their own business but are overwhelmed with how to market their services, or even get started.

  • Those unsure how to structure their business so they get to enjoy more of life.

  • Business owners who want to attract the people they love to work with but are full of self-doubt and have a tendency to self-sabotage.

  • Professionals who:

    • Want to unlock a higher level of meaning and purpose.

    • Want more joy, fulfilment, and love.

    • Are feeling "stuck" but don't know why.

    • Have a tendency to procrastinate, fear judgment and are uncertain about the future.

If you are determined to be successful, prepared to put the work in, but are unsure how to move forward click below and let's discuss what you need to get started.

2020 saw me achieve a lifelong ambition to become a #1 best-selling author with the release of my book 'From Strangers to Clients'. Click the cover to take a look inside==>

When not serving my clients you can find me Dolphin watching, chilling with my beloved family enjoying a glass of fine wine with a platter of French cheese, or walking our lively family dog in the beautiful Southern Highlands of NSW.

Going from 0 to 100mph in a few short months, once I had decided that it was now or never, made me a believer in coaching. So I set out on my own journey to be that person for others.

Over fifteen years later, I've helped hundreds regain their inner strength, vitality, and grow their business.

Through one-on-one prosperity coaching sessions, online programs, video conferences, workshops, and written content, I've been fortunate enough to connect with unbelievable people across the globe.

Will you be my next success story?

Work with me to enjoy prosperous success, feel empowered and relaxed knowing with certainty that the systems you learn are proven to deliver the results you want.

Click below to arrange a time to talk and let's see how far you can grow...

Confident ~ Prosperous ~ Energised

Work with th coach who has helped professionals across the globe unleash their personal, professional, and business power.

Your Guarantee...

My job isn't done until you're seeing the promised results.

I believe so deeply in my B.E.A.M process and "From Strangers to Clients" system that if, after applying all the strategies we discuss you've not enrolled new clients.

I promise to generate 50 new leads for you myself.

So what's the harm in trying a new way to market your services?

The risk is all on me!

You have nothing to loose, and everything to gain.

Unleash Your Brilliance.

| Carrie Wallis Delivers Enlightened Solutions for You To Shine With Confidence ~ Get Your Message Heard |

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Confident Prosperity With Carrie Wallis

(02) 8071 8775

Level 1, 118 Main street, Mittagong