Shine With Confidence

~ Get Your Message Heard ~

~ Attract Excited Clients ~

For Coaches, Course Creators & Therapists in Private Practice With a Tendency for Self-Doubt

What Other's Say About Working With Carrie...

Karen S ~ Event Planner & Living Fearlessly Coach

working with carrie wallis

The news of a quality training program filters down the line quickly. A friend mentioned the amazing 7-week coaching course from Strangers to Clients, that Carrie Wallis was conducting and how valuable the information was.

Struggling with the world of online coaching and how to get my own message out there, I reached out to Carrie and although joining 2 weeks after it started, I managed to catch up, and complete the course and connect with others on the course.

The video training and the detailed content really helped me to understand my marketplace-target market and how to reach them, add value to them and to nurture them from strangers to clients.

Carrie offers so many value adds, I received far more than I had anticipated.

On completion I decided to continue with Carrie and have one on one coaching. Carrie is so patient, as I am time poor and was sometimes slow to complete the work. Being able to access the training sessions via the recordings from Zoom, allowed me to review the coaching sessions and complete the tasks. Learning how to create landing pages and lead magnets was one of the highlights for me.

Creating the emails that are sent to potential clients was done during the coaching was a time saving exercise.

The importance of building a data base was something I struggled with but now have no issues doing this.

All the above was a foreign language to me. Carrie patiently guided me and now I am confident that I know what I am talking about. I am constantly building landing pages and promoting my new business and for my first live event I had a full house of 100 people.

Now that is the power of knowing how to attract the right clients and convert them to customers.

Carrie congratulations on your new book. I have been down many paths over the past 5 years, many promising the world and delivering so little. If only I had a book to guide me. What a valuable tool your book will be those wanting to create online courses and live events. Having a book at your fingertips, and being confident the content is tested and proven, guiding you to creating a successful business.

Carrie you are an amazing coach and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to creating an online businesses and live event.

Much appreciation for your coaching and guidance

Confident. Prosperous. Energised

Work with the coach who has helped people all over the globe unleash their personal, professional, and business power.

Unleash Your Brilliance.

| Carrie Wallis Delivers Enlightened Solutions for You To Shine With Confidence ~ Get Your Message Heard |

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Confident Prosperity With Carrie Wallis

(02) 8071 8775

Level 1, 118 Main street, Mittagong