Shine With Confidence

~ Get Your Message Heard ~

~ Attract Excited Clients ~

For Coaches, Course Creators & Therapists in Private Practice With a Tendency for Self-Doubt

What Other's Say About Working With Carrie...

Marjorielyn C ~ Life Coach

working with carrie wallis

Carrie's style is challenging and inspiring...

"Carrie's Coaching has made a massive difference in my life by not only identifying and setting goals but keeping me on track and motivated enough to achieve them.  Particularly, Carrie's style is challenging and inspiring, even when I didn't think I could do any more than I was doing. Before coaching, I had an abject nervous aversion to networking.  Now, having dealt with these negative beliefs through the coaching and committing myself to do the action steps I look forward to meeting people and telling them about the services I offer with confidence.

Sometimes I didn't feel I could do it but Carrie always encouraged me to draw from my own strength within which I did and the results have been great: 

I now have a "new" wardrobe which is really a set of clothes I can fit into again after having lost weight; my ministry is reaching more people in the community than I was achieving before and I'm receiving leads and interest for my own coaching services. 

I am no longer held back by fear of other people's opinions and am very much aware of how I project on to any given situation, recognizing that my perception is so often not the same as others and this understanding alone has brought calm to various relationships, not just my own but when I introduce this to others it causes them to take a step back and not get so caught up in their own views.


I have secured a coaching contract which just a few months ago seemed like just a huge wish but it is now a reality.  I'm amazed. The whole coaching experience has been very enlightening, challenging, inspiring, and a vehicle for me to achieve my goals and to live the rest of my life in the same vein. 

If anyone is considering being coached by Carrie I would say "go for it, it's well worth it as long as you take responsibility for your actions and are serious about making the changes you want to see in your life."  

Finally, saying "thank you Carrie" doesn't seem enough. 

So much of my life has changed and I am absolutely glowing with life.  I really appreciate your support and motivation even on the days when I didn't think it was going to happen. 

 All the best and many blessings for your future"

Confident. Prosperous. Energised

Work with the coach who has helped people all over the globe unleash their personal, professional, and business power.

Unleash Your Brilliance.

| Carrie Wallis Delivers Enlightened Solutions for You To Shine With Confidence ~ Get Your Message Heard |

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Confident Prosperity With Carrie Wallis

(02) 8071 8775

Level 1, 118 Main street, Mittagong