Shine With Confidence

~ Get Your Message Heard ~

~ Attract Excited Clients ~

For Coaches, Course Creators & Therapists in Private Practice With a Tendency for Self-Doubt

What Other's Say About Working With Carrie...

Mike U ~ Counsellor

working with carrie wallis

I engaged with Carrie mostly I think because of the relevance to my personal development as a counsellor, but also as someone struggling to understand the world of marketing.

I found her warm responses to my comments encouraging and gained a sense of her personality, which seemed to come through naturally to me as I read them. She was always friendly and respectful, and never made assumptions or came across as judgmental. She made me feel at ease to communicate openly with her and others in the group.

I attended several training video courses and learned many things, some of which may be useful in the future, whilst others have been useful already.

Her video presentations were entertaining and the messages were clear and easy to understand and implement.

Since I began engaging with Carrie, my client base has increased threefold and is continuing to increase faster than I ever anticipated

What has helped me the most is perhaps summarised as follows: Gaining the understanding of my avatar’s mindset, needs, and language; then using it in the text on my website and marketing materials. Since then, I have seen about a

200% increase (perhaps more)

in the frequency of client enquiry and uptake.

I would say that what I take away from the experience, apart from what I have already mentioned, is that some of her insuppressible enthusiasm has rubbed off on me and I am now more positive and outgoing than before

Confident. Prosperous. Energised

Work with the coach who has helped people all over the globe unleash their personal, professional, and business power.

Unleash Your Brilliance.

| Carrie Wallis Delivers Enlightened Solutions for You To Shine With Confidence ~ Get Your Message Heard |

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Confident Prosperity With Carrie Wallis

(02) 8071 8775

Level 1, 118 Main street, Mittagong