Fun Facts About Carrie

People love to hear the gossip about others, so here's a little more about me and what you will get from working with me...

Working with me is a partnership, to enjoy the outcomes shown you will need to work, be prepared to apply the ideas and strategies we devise together.

I love to share the techniques I discovered, through hard work, trial and error, and a great deal of reading and studying.

I have many qualifications (see below) and studied countless successful people over many years. Studying is just the start, I've also tried out the theories, have implemented the practices to check they work.

So, when working with me you can be certain that the tips, tools, and strategies I share work.


My sole focus when you work with me is YOUR success. My aim is to support and guide you as you develop the lifestyle and personal freedom that many strive for but few actually experience.

This is the balance, freedom, and personal success that I can facilitate for your life.

Life is to be lived. We only get one shot at it so enjoy, make the most of it.

I am a level 2 member of the Australian Counselling Association and an Associate Member of the International Coaching Federation.

Embarrassing Stuff...

Now for the embarrassing bit. I have achieved qualifications in...

I have been helping people to succeed since 2000, keeping both my knowledge and qualifications up to date.

My practice is evidence based, which means I only use strategies and techniques that have been proven to work.

My experience helping people from all walks of life achieve what they never believed possible is here for you to draw on and will ensure your success.

Marketing Qualifications

  • VIMEO video marketing expert

  • Certified Aweber Expert

  • Google Ads Expert

  • Google Analytics Certified

  • Advanced copywriting - Direct response copywriting specialist

  • Digital Marketing Certified


  • Certified Resilience coach

  • Graduate Diploma - Postgraduate Certificate in Bereavement Counselling and Interventions

  • Master NLP Practitioner and Trainer

  • VET (Vocational Education and Training) Trainer and Assessor (Cert IV TAE40116and TAELLN411);

  • Professional Qualified Counsellor (Diploma CHC51712);

  • Certified New Insights Life and Business Coach of High Distinction (UK). Equivalent to the VET Diploma level in Australia.

  • Strengths Profile Accreditation with VIA Institute

  • An accredited facilitator of the Blackdog Institute's R.E.A.C.H program for depression sufferers

  • Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach

  • Honours Degree - BSc with Honours 1st class - from THE University of Nottingham, UK

My client's tell me I am an exceptional communicator, educator, and facilitator.

When running workshops I strive to provide experiences that are fun, informative and where learning takes place without you realising. You will leave my workshops feeling energised, confident and excited about implementing your new skills.

I am told I have a unique ability to take complex material and present it in such a way that it becomes easy to understand and absorb.

Knowledge is power as they say and you will discover that I'm exceptionally generous in sharing my hard-earned knowledge, skills, and time - check out what others say if you don't believe me!

My warm communication style quickly puts you at your ease and you will feel comfortable to open up. I take pride in my clients feeling safe with me, all information you share is treated with the strictest confidence and utmost respect. I am a master at creating the right environment for your growth.

My sole aim is YOUR success.

Always encouraging, empowering and engaging people in their own accountability for their lives and yes........ challenging when necessary; but always in a supportive way.

I manage to achieve an empathy with my clients that few can match and am able to challenge with compassion that ensures you always know I am on your side.

Living life to the full and helping others do the same gives an amazing lifestyle and unique freedom.

Interestingly it has emerged that when you are doing something you truly love and it is in line with your inner values the financial side of things just slots into place and the money flows.

When you truly are doing something you love you never work another day in your life!

Let me help you achieve the same.

I would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the field.

Why not book your initial consultation today, with no obligation, so that we can see if there is a match between us.  I will listen to what you’re facing, the issues you want to address, and what you want to achieve.

Toward the end, I will make an assessment and propose some strategies to help. 

If you like what you hear, we can get you started straight away. If there is no match between us, no hard feelings, we part as friends. I am happy to spend some time with you, and whether we work together or not; you will leave with a clear path forward.

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Confident Prosperity With Carrie Wallis

(02) 8071 8775

Level 1, 118 Main street, Mittagong